Galaxy Note 20 Series Spec Price Color
Galaxy Note 20 Series Spec Price Color
More than 430,000 units were opened in Suoth Korea in the first week of its release. in terms of percentage, it is estimated that 70% of Galaxy Note 20 Ultra and 30% of Galaxy Note 20 were sold.
The store price of Galaxy Note 20 Ultra (1,452,000 won) and Galaxy Note 20 (1,199,000 won) are estimated to be about 250,000 won difference. The colors are Galaxy Note 20 Ultra (Mystic Bronze, Mystic White, Mystic Black) and Galaxy Note 20 (Mystic Bronze, Mystic Green, Mystic Gray), so they are generally composed of different colors besides Mystic Bronson colors.
The most sold color ion Mystic Bronze.
Let me summarize the specifications.
Although Note 20 Ultra would be better, oit seems that Galaxy Note 20 will not be diferent from Galaxy Note 20. When you put it on the desk with the camera protruding, you may feel uncomfortable because it shakes a lot and the camera part touches first. this part can be solved by using a camera-free and camera-protecting film.
Samsung Electronics is planning to provide servises thet accurately find objects by applying augmented reality technology to UWB technology in the future. It is planning to use Smart Key without key.